There are 3 different ways to make money with the Project Payday system. They are all easy to do, and guaranteed to make you money. Basically, Project Payday makes you money by helping you find the IFW's (Incentivized Freebie Websites) that have sprouted up on the internet. These websites typically have a forum where other people just like you are offering you quick cash to sign up on a website that they need referrals for to complete their requirements for the big prize.
Whether the prize is an ipod or PS3 or even cash, by signing up thru these referral links you can simply complete the offer(s) and get paid for your time. Once you gain enough trades thru the IFW, you will be able to post to the forums and offer money for the referrals you need to get your gift or money.
I have found that many of the offers are low cost and as long as you keep track of the trial memberships that you sign up for, it is relatively easy to cancel them after the necessary time to prevent being charged for them. You must be very careful that you keep the trial active for its duration or you may not get credit for the offer. This may affect the money you make because if you cancel too early and have already been paid for the referral, you will have to pay back the money that was offered.
It seems to me that the initial hump of getting your minimum number of trades completed so you can get to post your need for referrals will be the main stumbling block for many people getting started. Don't get frustrated because the payoff is well worth it in the long run.
For example, if you sign up for a trade and the offer site is asking for 20 referrals in order to payout $1200 to you, it is only a simple matter of figuring out how much you are willing to pay someone else for a referral. Let's say you need 20 referrals for $1200, it is worth it to offer $25 per referral for a total out of pocket cost of $500. Once you get all 20 referrals, you will get $1200 paid directly to your account. That is a $700 profit for doing very little.
Now, I'm can't promise you will make a lot of money with this program but I can see the potential and it's worth the effort in my mind. I also can't post any of the links to the IFW's out there but since Project Payday is Free right now, why not sign up now.
Try Project Payday out for yourself for FREE (limited time offer) and give it a try.